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Prime8Posted at 2019-07-01 18:04:00(252 wks ago) (Introduce Yourself / Hello.)

Uploaded: 7.40 GB
Downloaded: 57.92 GB
Posts: 8

Ratio: 0.13
Location: Australia

Hi all,
I'm Prime8 (real name Simiana, in case anyone is interested in such details lol). I discovered this site after someone mentioned it on a Bowie Downunder Facebook group that I'm part of. I'm from Australia, but plan to move to the UK eventually to further my music career with my band The Quagaars. I'm transgender, but I imagine that's probably not going to come up here again...but you never know, so I thought I'd get that out there now so it's out of the way. I used to be a TV producer for C31 Melbourne, but now work as a "bussie/busser" in between working on new music. I enjoy doing gymnastics as a hobby, I took that up at the age of 32 as it was something I always wanted to do. I'm not that good at it, but it's fun lol. There is a Bowie connection there too as I did my first floor routine to "Speed Of Life" from "Low", which happens to be my favourite Bowie album (although I love most of them, the only ones I never really got into were "Young Americans", "Let's Dance", "Black Tie White Noise" and "Tonight", and even then there's a few songs that I love off of each of those albums). As you can probably guess from my names (Prime8 and Simiana), I am obsessed with monkeys and apes. Speaking of monkeys and apes, I host 2 shows on TransRadioUK with my sidekick, L'Rain (the transgender rainbow monkey). Thanks to some audio files on Saloca's Bowie page, Bowie makes occasional cameos on both shows, but is most active on "Live In Space And Time", where it is revealed that Bowie is in fact a Time Lord (as if this wasn't obvious lol). He joined The GUITARDIS crew after we met him in a parallel universe. He helped us get back home but enjoyed the journey so much that he now lives in the GUITARDIS.

I will try to keep my upload ratio as high as possible, but my internet always seems to struggle with that. At the moment, I'm just in awe of what is available here and I hope to contribute as much as I can. I have uploaded a torrent of a concert movie that I made of Bowie's final Australian tour (David Bowie's Fantastic Voyage Downunder), but it's currently not working properly and I've already used my 3 messages for the day lol. There's an error, something to do with a missing passkey. I'm afraid I'm not really sure what I'm doing there but hopefully it will be resolved and it'll start seeding soon.

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