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Bowie General > How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...

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jonesnatalyPosted at 2016-01-26 03:27:34(433 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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MBF wrote:

JE, any chance of an elephant emoticon please for future use...?!  :-)

Can I get one with a donkey then?  8o  :D  O:-D

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KiwikidPosted at 2016-01-26 04:20:02(433 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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Even though tonight album is the one I use for kicking around when I need something to kick
wish could of got to glass spider tour
I'm also surprised at Tin Machine II getting a kicking

mine all rank the same barring 2 when I go to play a disc go to cabinet blind and what I grab is what I play,  tonight and never let me down have a pin sticking out so if I touch get a shock and drop them and grab something else (I think I have listen to them once)

couldn't write a list it changes day to day and days will take a track out of playlist of an album that I'm playing

Bless the Tapers and Uploaders they make the Music Live
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GarroooldPosted at 2023-01-15 13:26:48(69 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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I love them all equally. Tonight is amazing. Reality is lovely. The next day is a piece of gold. Scary monsters is a chef's kiss. Hours is an amazing trip. Etc

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imperialPosted at 2023-01-15 23:45:43(69 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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Normalised scores from 0 stars to 5

***** * Diamond Dogs (bonus star!)
***** * Hunky Dory (bonus star!)
***** * Ziggy Stardust The Motion Picture

*****   The Man Who Sold The World
*****   Heroes
*****   Aladdin Sane

**** Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)
**** Station To Station
**** Low
**** Lodger
**** Young Americans

*** The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars
*** Let's Dance
*** David Bowie (aka Space Oddity)
*** The Buddha Of Suburbia
*** 'Hours...'
*** Outside

** Pin Ups
** Earthling
** Heathen
** Never Let Me Down
** Tonight

* David Bowie
* Tin Machine
* Blackstar (2016)

0 Black Tie White Noise
0 The Next Day
0 Tin Machine II
0 Reality (2003)

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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2023-01-16 14:58:16(69 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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I like/love/listen to all of the eras.

Even the 'officially shyte' ones.......

I left this on a reddit page about 'Tonight'.


"It's what I want to do just now."
THAT seemed to shut up most 'rock journalists',
when they asked WHY was he doing THIS at the time of Tin Machine.
The same is true here.
Re-recording the music is a laugh.

You gotta pencil in Lazy Bowie in your devotion.
It's loud 'n' unsubtle and there's a few songs that coulda/woulda/shoulda been better received elsewhere.
but they weren't.

What would A Bowie Album produced by Giorgio Moroder have sounded like ?
Another album you never got.
So stop trying to ch-ch-change [yikes] this one.

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jamielPosted at 2023-01-16 19:18:25(69 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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I have a fairly eclectic taste in music, so my take on Bowie is fairly personal. It will no doubt be very different to others choices, although in some cases some albums are just shine through. The comments are just how I feel about the albums.

Wonderful albums, a great artist writing great songs and being inventive.
Hunky Dory (1971) – so many great songs, played well, and with a lovely earthy feeling.
1. Outside (1995)
Aladdin Sane (1973)
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (1980)
Station To Station (1976)
Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars (1972)
Bowie at the BEEB (2000) – OK not a studio album, but too good not to mention.

Very good albums, but don’t quite reach the heights of the above for me.
Diamond Dogs (1974)
Earthling (1997)
The Buddha Of Suburbia (1993) – a bit of a hidden gem.
Low (1977)
Heroes (1977)

I like some tracks, but they don’t really work for me as albums.
Young Americans (1975)
Tin Machine (1989)
Tin Machine II (1991)
The Man Who Sold The World (1970)

I’ve listened to a few times, but then just put the above albums on.
Lodger (1979) – some great songs as played live later, but I don’t like the feel of this album.
Heathen (2002)
Space Oddity (1969)
The Next Day (2013)
Reality (2003)
Blackstar (2016) – I respect what he was trying here, but I don’t get it, and lots of people I admire love this album. I will have to keep working on it.
Pin Ups (1973)
Toy (?)

After the creativity and experimentation of the late 70s, and especially Scary Monsters, this was a washout for me.
Let's Dance (1983)

I find these to lack feeling and are too commercial sounding. More production than songs.
Black Tie White Noise (1993)
Never Let Me Down (1987)
Tonight (1984)

I was expecting so much, and it delivered so little, after the creativity of the previous few years this album could have been made by anyone, and not someone with Bowie’ talent.
'Hours...' (1999)

I don’t know this album, I think I have heard it a couple of times.
David Bowie (1967)

My Bowie history.

When I was growing up in the 70s, Bowie was always visible, but it wasn’t until around 1978 I really got into music. The Lodger singles were OK, but then ‘Ashes to Ashes’ came out and I was blown away, as by all the singles from ‘Scary Monsters’. No tour at that point, and then a couple of years later he released ‘Let’s Dance’, it didn’t sound like any Bowie I had heard and I was discovering much more interesting music from the previous decade at that point.

I ignored much of the 80’s mainstream (including Bowie who seemed among all that), and instead listened to 70’s rock, 50s jazz, some bands on 4AD, and artists like David Sylvian and Talk Talk (their later stuff).

At the end of the 80s Bowie appeared at the ICA with Reeves Gabrels doing ‘Look Back in Anger’, this sounded like the Bowie I like, guitars again, and then they did Tin Machine together, which again I liked that rawness of.

At this point I had ‘Scary Monster’s’ and ‘Station to Station’, those plus MTV airplay did it for Bowie for me.

I listened to Bowie a bit over the next few years, but then heard he was working with Eno again. ‘1. Outside’ sounded like ‘Scary Monsters’ to me, raw guitar, industrial sounds, inventiveness and some really good songs. All that plus Mike Garson’s playing was amazing, Gabrels sounds a lot like Fripp on that album. Bowie seemed to fit with bands of the time doing interesting music, Nine Inch Nails, influences of techno (more so on the Earthling). He had a live band who had so much energy and inventiveness (I love the cover of ‘Oh Superman’ from that time). I saw him live twice in 1997 had tickets for a cancelled gig in 1995.

It was around this time I really went back and discovered his 70s albums. I always knew the singles, but with the perspective of this period’s work I went back to discover his 70s albums,  ‘Hunky Dory’ and ‘Aladdin Sane’ became favourites. I like ‘Ziggy’ but it is the albums either side of it that blow me away.

At the end of the 90’s and 2000 came the biggest disappointments for me, ‘Hours’ seemed to ditch everything Bowie had been doing and I find to be the blandest album he has ever made. It didn’t seem to be trying to do anything at all. Then I saw him at Glastonbury, Reeves Gabrels was gone, although Earl Slick played the ‘Station to Station’ tracks well. Zachary Alfords bashy drive behind the drums was gone too, although I love Sterling Campbell, Mike Garson and Gail Ann Dorsey they weren’t doing anything amazing. I know Q Magazine rate this as the greatest Glastonbury performance, but not for me, I was bored, a functional run through his hits, with a few highlights, no surprises, other how bland it was. At the end I rushed off to one of the tents and caught the last 20 minutes of Gong, and wished I had seen their whole show (mad as they were).

I saw him three times in the 2000’s and they were good shows, one led to me meeting up with a producer I had worked with and that gained me 8 years of wonderful work, so Bowie has had a big effect on my life beyond his music.

I detest over production. I love many of the musicians Bowie has worked with, from King Crimson Fripp and Below, Mike Garson is possibly my favourite keyboard player alongside Rick Wakeman. Bowie was friends with Edgar Froese from Tangerine Dream who I love (and have 100s of bootlegs from their bootleg groups), and his collaborations with Eno are fascinating.

I also have a particular like of live music, its rough edges and experimentation, which is why I am a member here. Last year Bowie released what is one of my two favourite ever live shows I have seen, Phoenix 1997 as ‘Look at the Moon’ (the other show was Van Der Graaf Generator in 2005). I wish I had been old enough to see him in the early or mid 70s, but then I may not have had the 90s music I saw.

Sorry for the very long reply.

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BallhausDonatedPosted at 2023-01-16 19:59:40(69 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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Station to station
Ziggy stardust
Diamond dogs
Scary monsters
Hunky dory
Black star
Young Americans
Buddha of suburbia
Aladin sane
The man who sold the world
The next day
Let's dance
Black tie white noise
Space oddity
Tin machine
Tin machine II
David bowie
Never let me down

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homebrewPosted at 2023-01-17 21:41:32(69 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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Favorite to least favorite...

Ziggy stardust
Aladdin sane
Diamond dogs
Hunky Dory
Young Americans
Space oddity
The man who sold the world
Station to station
Black star
David Bowie
Scary monsters
Let's dance
The next day
Buddha of suburbia
Black tie white noise
Never let me down
Tin machine
Tin machine II

""I don't begrudge any artist for finding an audience"
- David Bowie abt. 1987
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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2023-01-18 21:51:31(69 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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I've a 109 GB in my 'DAVID BOWIE OFFICIAL ALBUMS - DESKTOP' folder and listen to every era.

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DylanThomasPosted at 2023-01-23 09:56:24(68 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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The Loved

Aladdin Sane
Diamond Dogs
Station to Station
Stage (original configuration)
Scary Monsters

The Liked A Lot

Hunky Dory
Ziggy Stardust
Young Americans
The Buddha of Suburbia

The Liked In Parts

The Man Who Sold The World
David Live
Tin Machine
Tin Machine 2
Let's Dance
The Next Day
Black Tie White Noise

The Mostly Disliked*

David Bowie (1967)
Space Oddity
Never Let Me Down
Oh Vey Baby
VH1 Storytellers
Reality Tour

* In my opinion, Bowie never made an irredeemably bad album, as in one without a single good to great song on it.

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neilwilkesPosted at 2023-01-23 13:29:04(68 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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This week, this is how I feel about it all - but next week things may be different.
The only things that will probably never change are the Tin Machine records and the Deram release - give me the Mannish Boys/Buzz/Lower Third releases over those any day of the week.
'Dogs' will probably always be my fave.

Diamond Dogs (1974)
Aladdin Sane (1973)
Hunky Dory (1971)
The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars (1972)
The Man Who Sold The World (1970)
Station To Station (1976)
Young Americans (1975)
Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (1980)
Outside (1995)
Earthling (1997)
'Hours...' (1999)
Heathen (2002)
Reality (2003)
The Next Day (2013)
Blackstar (2016)
Low (1977)
Heroes (1977)
Lodger (1979)
Pin Ups (1973)
David Bowie (aka Space Oddity) (1969)
Black Tie White Noise (1993)
The Buddha Of Suburbia (1993)
Let's Dance (1983)
Tonight (1984)
Never Let Me Down (1987)
Tin Machine (1989)
Tin Machine II (1991)
David Bowie (1967)

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neilwilkesPosted at 2023-01-23 13:32:12(68 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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professormouse wrote:

I've a 109 GB in my 'DAVID BOWIE OFFICIAL ALBUMS - DESKTOP' folder and listen to every era.

Only 109? 288Gb of Official CD resolution here, plus another 398Gb in High resolution, and then 68.7 in surround.........I guess I am just the kind of mug that Parlophone bank on

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SteveboyDonatedPosted at 2023-01-23 14:44:59(68 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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neilwilkes wrote:

professormouse wrote:

I've a 109 GB in my 'DAVID BOWIE OFFICIAL ALBUMS - DESKTOP' folder and listen to every era.

Only 109? 288Gb of Official CD resolution here, plus another 398Gb in High resolution, and then 68.7 in surround.........I guess I am just the kind of mug that Parlophone bank on

And how many TBs of bootleg silvers etc etc.....May have a go at calculating mine....LOL

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MythicalkingDonatedPosted at 2023-01-24 13:57:33(68 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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How do I rank Bowie's albums?  In all honesty I don't because I'm liable to dip into any of them at any time depending on how I feel and what I need and there's always something within catalogue that fits the bill.  Bowie's greatest strength was that he was always willing to take risks and try a new way of doing things.  Admittedly some albums were more immediately appealing than others but I guess that all of them were necessary steps to him in his personal evolution.  Ziggy is the album I turn to most - perhaps because I think it was his best or perhaps because it was the album that got me into him.  But it seems to me that the only value in ranking each of Bowie's albums is to signpost newcomers to a place to start.  Thankfully I've been a Bowie fan for 50 years and have enjoyed every step on the musical journey.

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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2023-01-24 18:05:57(68 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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never mind the quality = feel the width
yeah i should've got the one with a terabyte storage
but it's the main albums on my laptop
main as in five different rips of Ziggy - UC ?
or 5 different versions of Toy
I'm s l o w l y weeding out the 'best' versions
the live stuff is another world and another hdd
still looking for mixes mainly like Fame 'disco mastered' or the Fashion Rocks in lossless etc
know anyone with them ??

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neilwilkesPosted at 2023-01-25 09:45:12(68 wks ago) (Bowie General / How do you rank Bowie's released albums? Here's your chance to let others know...)

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professormouse wrote:

never mind the quality = feel the width :P yeah i should've got the one with a terabyte storage but it's the main albums on my laptopmain as in five different rips of Ziggy - UC ?or 5 different versions of ToyI'm s l o w l y weeding out the 'best' versions the live stuff is another world and another hddstill looking for mixes mainly like Fame 'disco mastered' or the Fashion Rocks in lossless etcknow anyone with them ?? :-@

I know what you mean - lost count of the number of versions here on some releases - you mention Ziggy:
RCA CD (Germany), RCA CD (Japan), Ryko (original), Ryko (AU20), EMI 24-bit remaster, 30th anniversary 2CD, 40th anniversary, SACD, the DVD with the limited vinyl remaster, Japanese SHM-CD, Japan 1990 EMI and so on & so forth.
That does not include any of the many vinyl versions, Era Set versions (Hi-Res download, CD, vinyl) or the 'official' downloadable High Res versions. I really must be some sort of mug, but hey - it could be worse. Besides, I gotta spend my money on something, right?

I also have many versions of 'Toy' and don't understand why there is not more love for that one. It's not even on the list of studio albums above, and if it were it would be right up there in the top 5 for me, as I really do like it & it gets better every time I play it - all that has to be done is de-clipping / De-Limiting as the released versions were butchered in mastering. Again.

Email incoming, if I can find your email addy that is!!

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