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Technical Help > Audacity - recording?

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Stranger09DonatedPosted at 2024-05-08 23:24:42(39 wks ago) (Technical Help / Audacity - recording?)

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problem below - solved! If anyone else has issues like below try the PC sound settings, until you can get an alternate recording device selected and then Audacity should finally accept it. You may not be able to hear playback :( - but when you play the recording back in Audacity it should work. So you just have to try taking in on trust that Audicty captures properly and cross your fingers ... :)

Hi there I wonder if anyone here might be able to help on this?

I have successfully recorded online sounds / music using Audacity in the past (non retail music, I should point out, or if it is commercially available, from a site I pay to and only retain the music for myself and not for sharing).

I have had difficulty getting recording levels to function / to select a recording device on pcs I have owned over the years - sometimes the problem has not affected me as the volume level I am receiving is fine, sometimes will a little googling and trial and error I have sorted out high recording level issues. Sometimes I have reluctantly accepted the latter if the recording is one I will not listen to often and I have too little patience to resolve it ...

Anyway, so, I have tried re-installing Audacity. Only one recording device selection seems to deliver the music to Audacity or allow the Record facility in Audacity to work, before, and after re-installation too (annoyingly).

So, any suggestions from anyone experienced in this, appreciated. I do have an external recording device but I have not used it in years and for all my luck the batteries in the latter may have melted. :(

Last edited by Stranger09 on 2024-05-08 23:33:52

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homebrewPosted at 2024-05-09 15:32:39(39 wks ago) (Technical Help / Audacity - recording?)

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When I worked in radio we could record any audio from any streaming source in our production studio. I'm no engineer so I don't have the vocabulary to describe how it is done but we used a mixing board with the computer connected and running Cool Edit Pro... later becoming Adobe Audition. We could play a Youtube video on the computer and record the audio as it played on the editing software also on the same computer. I'm  guessing you could purchase a mini mixer that can be had for under $50.00 and do something similar.

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- David Bowie abt. 1987
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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2024-05-09 20:18:59(39 wks ago) (Technical Help / Audacity - recording?)

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what are you trying to record - and does it already exist out there ?
there is a way of recording off a server - i've been told but don't ask me how
nearest i've got is finding an mp3 titled 'please don't download' in the gubbins of a web page - twice
would a
"Alpha Design Labs GT40a USB DAC"
help ?
"It’s a high performance 24bits/192kHz USB DAC that’s amazingly affordable."

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Stranger09DonatedPosted at 2024-05-10 20:41:08(38 wks ago) (Technical Help / Audacity - recording?)

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Stuff from a reasonably well known site that has a lot of live shows, many of which that were initially broadcast on radio. I'm paranoid enough not to broadcast which site as they have already made their streaming more cumbersome, in that you can not listen to a recording and pick up where you left off without having either to start from the beginning, or simply cue up each track individually from that point if you stopped the concert playing before it completes it duration.

The latter could be a new 'feature' or quite possibly an attempt to make capture a little more patience wearing.

Anyway, as per my addendum I have now solved the problem, thankfully, and glad I did, and without using an external recording device.

Good to have comments either way - as I wuold encourage others to try capture and enjoy online-only music (particularly concerts which are out of most normal copyrights). :)

Last edited by Stranger09 on 2024-05-10 20:42:09

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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2024-05-11 16:23:13(38 wks ago) (Technical Help / Audacity - recording?)

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i was listening to kate bush from youtube off a CD in a music store the other day
forget to ask about what burner ?
my first attempt with audacity - it ripped a 12'' single perfectly - i just couldn't hear it while it happened

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Stranger09DonatedPosted at 2024-05-12 11:07:16(38 wks ago) (Technical Help / Audacity - recording?)

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Yep the latter is the point I've got to (ie not hearing while recording) with my recording off the site I subscribe to - but as long as it's recorded I'm fine with it.

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