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Bowie General > Images Vol. 10

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homebrewPosted at 2025-01-18 14:05:16(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / Images Vol. 10)

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In the Usenet group alt.fan.david-bowie you would have run into a user named Jamie Soule aka aladInsaNE. Jamie wrote a series of articles that he called "Images" about our hero, David Bowie. I found them fascinating, sometimes infuriating, occasionally confusing and ultimately interesting enough to have saved them all (at least all that I could track down). I have made no attempt to alter the formatting, spelling, grammar or edit in any way.

*Images*: *Part* 10

The return of The Thin White Duke? Hardly, this was
it's inaugural appearance. Had it surfaced before then it would not
have been a welcome guest at too many places, and not just at Lippmans,
anywhere is more like it, and believe me that it would not be on too
many guests lists. The creature wasted no time in adding its own
personal touch to the house by replacing the knick nacks on the coffee
table and other places with bowls of cocaine that were never empty.
Bowie weighed 112 pounds and took to wearing suits. He would go out and
drive around, without a license of course, in a yellow Volkswagen
Beetle. A sight to see I imagine. It was decided by Bowie one day that
Mr. Lippmans outdoor swimming pool was possessed. At the bottom Bowie had
seen the figure of Satan. David performed an exorcism that took care of
the problem as he never had to perform a second one. The Thin White Duke
had mystical powers. He was not a human. While The Thin White Duke was
materializing he believed he was being targeted by people proficient in
the practice of the black arts. Bowie believed that on Walpurgis Night,
May Eve on April 30th he was going to be destroyed. This is night is one
of the eight times a year when witches gather to celebrate their powers.
In a state of fear and panic Bowie sought consultation with a white
witch by the name of Wally Emlark, whom he had recommended to him by
another white witch he met through Robert Fripp, of all people, when she
was recording with him in 1972. Wally had the answers, she knew what
Bowie really was and this was her explanation to him. Bowie was really a
"walk in," a visitor from outer space. He was an alien in human form who
had a mission to fulfill on Earth and this mission was to change the
consciousness of the world. This task was a difficult one and quite
often "walk ins" dulled their pain by using drugs, drinking heavily and
having sex. David agreed with Wally Emlark's assessment because to him it
made total sense. Walk ins are always a target for the forces of evil
and walkins have only five years before their destruction. FIVE YEARS.
Now he knew where the concept for Ziggy Stardust came from, it was about
him. It was a coded message telling him who he was and warning him.
Bowie told Emlark that his five years is "almost up." To save him a
night was set to perform a much needed exorcism to ward off the forces
attempting to destroy Bowie. Bowie was in Los Angeles and Emlark was in
New York when the phone rang. Purity and protection came from the
ritualistic burning of white and blue candles Bowie was told as he lit
them. Salt was sprinkled over the room to absorb the negative
influences. Elmlark had gathered together a number of witches who stood
inside of a pentagram at Elmlark home. The exorcism began. It ended with
them all focusing their energy to establish a Cone Of Power that would
surround David and protect him. Wanting to make sure that the job was
complete Bowie turned to his copy of the Thesaurus Exorcisonorum. This
book of exorcism rites was usually reserved for use by ordained priests,
however Bowie would substitute himself for the role. He was convinced
that the rituals were successful when the water in the pool started to
bubble. He thought he also heard an explosion. The evil forces may have
been put at bay, however Claudia Jennings was still searching for Bowie
to recoup money for a $2,000.00 phone bill he rang up at her apartment.
The powers to protect Bowie were now at work. Never the less it was
important not to let one's guard down and caution must be maintained. If
someone were to obtain something close and personal to Bowie the results
could be tragic as it could be used to enhance a spell to give it
intensely destructive power. This can be likened somewhat to a Voodoo
Doll which requires something from the intended victim such as an
article of clothing or a piece of hair. The solution to prevent the
"evil ones" from obtaining any personal items, especially discarded
items from ones body, was to store them safely away from outsiders. This
is the reason Bowie commandeered Lippman's refrigerator, it was so it
could be converted to a "safety deposit box," so to speak. The
refrigerator no longer housed milk, vegetables, food and other items
which are commonplace in most. Taking place of these perishable items
were David Bowie's nail clippings, leftover hair after having been cut
as well as an array of tightly sealed bottles. The bottles on the shelf
in the refrigerator contained his urine. All was safe. The Lippman home
was a Spanish style hacienda. It was furnished comfortably and the home
had plenty of windows that made the interior very bright and warm. That
is until Bowie arrived. The shades were now drawn in any room he was in
and only opened to look outside when he was searching the house for
"intruders," as he often did. The bolero hat he constantly wore had
little balls hanging from it. Bowie had, on his own initiative,
redecorated some of the walls with his own drawings. There were
pentagrams of various shapes and sizes drawn on the walls accompanied by
the word "AUMGN." This was an Alister Crowley variation of the Buddhist
word "OM." which he believed could harness the energy of the universe.
Ashtrays overflowed with Gitanes. The name Tony Defries was taboo and
was not allowed to be spoken in the presence of David, lest one wish to
be the subject of a verbal dressing down. Some evenings at midnight
Bowie would "cast spells" to battle the evil aimed at him or perform
"magik rituals." The rituals sometimes came from various books, however
quite often they were ones that Bowie invented himself. Burning the
proper candle created a "psychic mirror" and evil would bounce off of it
leaving Bowie unharmed. It was believed that salt absorbed the negative
influences, as I mentioned earlier, and was used liberally. The names of
adversaries were written on pieces of paper with a quill pen in "doves
blood" and a mixture of cinnamon, rose oil, bay, alcohol and other
substances to make "dragon's blood." The paper was folded and a candle
lit. Safe once again. Bowie lived every minute of life, and one could
staying up for up to eight days straight. There were bits of paper with
scribbled notes, lyrics and spells littering his room. Once Lippman
recalls him sitting on the couch and playing with a piece of string for
a considerable amount of time while staring into oblivion, as though he
was lost in his own thoughts, he looked rather "confused." He had to get
out of Los Angeles and he had two reasons why. One being that he had too
much time on his hands which helped fuel his behaviour that was far from
normal, and number two, he had a date to keep with Nicholas Roeg in New
Mexico. He kept his appointment.

aLadInsaNE To be continued..........

""I don't begrudge any artist for finding an audience"
- David Bowie abt. 1987
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