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Request for upload/Reseed/ISO > Request: Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976

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Jean-HenriPosted at 2019-08-08 01:03:20(247 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Request: Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976)

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I would be interested comparing the Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976 to other releases. Could someone share this cd please? Thanks!

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neilwilkesPosted at 2019-08-12 14:05:34(247 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Request: Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976)

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No problem.
I shall get this uploaded ASAP

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stuartreedPosted at 2019-08-18 09:38:51(246 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Request: Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976)

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Hi Neil,

I know I dislike the dry Harry Maslin 2010 recording immensely,but in your opinion, where do you think the Wardour version of Nassau 1976 sits in respect of the various recordings of this gig?


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SteveboyDonatedPosted at 2019-08-18 10:21:25(246 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Request: Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976)

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These are Jean-Henri's thoughts on the release.

'I have listened to it and concluded it is a downgrade compared to the best available sources I have heard so far.

Best source for the radio broadcast recording:
Cd Live at the Nassau Coliseum 1976 by Why Arts Recordings. Available at BS.

The missing tracks from the broadcast are part of the officially released cd in the best available quality. The Wardour cd has used the analog versions which became available years ago'


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stuartreedPosted at 2019-08-18 14:57:36(246 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Request: Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976)

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cheers for that Steveboy

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Jean-HenriPosted at 2019-08-18 18:08:47(246 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Request: Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976)

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I recommend the Why Arts Recordings cd ('new fresh source') plus the missing tracks added from the official cd.

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neilwilkesPosted at 2019-09-10 09:09:06(243 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Request: Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976)

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The problem with the official version on CD as well as the box set version and the original outing it had in the 2010 Station to Station box set is that it is brickwalled half to death for volume and has the dynamic range of a light bulb switching on & off.
I really, really hate that sound and the people who are limiting things half to death like this should be ashamed of themselves - it is precisely because of this that sales of physical media are so low to my mind. You cannot do this with analogue, and that cannot be overstated.

As a really good example, rip yourself some CD's amd have a look at the different versions. Then, if you have access to iTunes, put them in there & make sure you have Sound Check switched on - then you will find the brickwalled stuff will be automatically turned down, and will - I guarantee it - change the way you think about things. Louder is not necessarily better, and we are now producing CD with less dynamic range than the old, original Edison cylinders and it is not right.

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interplayDonatedPosted at 2019-09-10 21:20:58(243 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Request: Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976)

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I agree with most of this, but we really don't know why things don't sell more than we know why we don't buy them.

Do a youtube search for loudness wars and I think they use some Rush albums to really explain the problems you are describing.

Problem is, the dynamics you seek and your ears need don't stand up next to the "brickwalled half to death for volume" releases. Put some vinyl rips on your iPod next to some digital releases and they just aren't loud enough for today's listeners.

But I digress.

We should find the best version of Nassau 76 and keep it in circulation. I think I have them all but I've never heard of the Why Arts Recordings.

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neilwilkesPosted at 2019-09-16 12:42:00(242 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Request: Wardour cd Nassau Coliseum NY 1976)

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interplay wrote:

I agree with most of this, but we really don't know why things don't sell more than we know why we don't buy them.Do a youtube search for loudness wars and I think they use some Rush albums to really explain the problems you are describing.Problem is, the dynamics you seek and your ears need don't stand up next to the "brickwalled half to death for volume" releases. Put some vinyl rips on your iPod next to some digital releases and they just aren't loud enough for today's listeners.But I digress.We should find the best version of Nassau 76 and keep it in circulation. I think I have them all but I've never heard of the Why Arts Recordings.

Oh believe me when I tell you I am only too well aware of what the problem is, sad to say - I work in the business. The fastest way to stop the mess is for all iTunes users to switch ON Apple Sound Check. This will automatically turn down all the hyper limited stuff, and once people start hearing how those really sound they will simply stop buying the releases.
It is high time that the end user - the fans - were given back control over volume, as we have volume knobs on our amplifiers to turn things up - it is why amplifiers were invented, after all, and the record companies need to get with the program (I am not being facetious towards you here at all so please don't take this the wrong way).
I am sick & tired with the generic over limited BS and the excuse that "iPod & earbud listeners want it louder" nonsense - turn the fucker up then. The whole idea that primarily catering to those who think that a telephone is in any way a substitute for a decent stereo system and degrading everything down to this lowest of low denominators is an obscenity to me and absolutely explains why CD sales are down - because the mastering is dreadful in the main, and everything is set up to cater to earbud listeners on telephones. Future generations will call us much worse than short sighted......

The problem with the Why Arts release is that it is not complete, missing the Waiting For The Man/Queen Bitch/Life On Mars extract & Five Years but it sure does sound good.
Also got an alleged Pre-FM version, the superb 2CD Seagull Records version, one called "Suffragette City" but all these are based on the FM Broadcast tapes. There is a totally different sounding mix from Wolfgang's Vault, but it is lossy 320kbps mp3 and they never made a lossless version available. Very interesting though and did have the full length Panic In Detroit but as per usual missing out WFTM/QB/LoM/FY.

The official versions are doubly hobbled - the STS Box Set had this originally, but it just wasn't complete (severely edited "Panic In Detroit" cutting out the admittedly tedious Drum Solo which was a 70's fad if I am honest about it and the mastering was simply dreadful - everything was flat topped on the waveform, which is never a good sign. Compressed can be a deliberate choice, and people often use the word "compressed" when what they really mean is "Brickwall Limited" and the difference is easy to spot as all peaks have been "shaved" flat, whereas a merely heavily compressed track will still have variation in peak levels, albeit very slight.

We need to start mastering using Loudness metering as opposed to Peak Metering and end the insane loudness wars. Earbuds with stuff hammered this hard will - inevitably - cause hearing damage sooner rather than later. I blame the CD changer most of all for this though, as before the CD changer by the time you had swapped a disc over your ears had reset & the difference in levels was easily overlooked and a tweak of the volume dial fixed any perceived differences (although by & large, nobody ever noticed) but with the advent of the CD changer the differences between different albums or tracks was immediately apparent.

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