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Bowie General > Starman Intro Guitar Chords video

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CJ88Posted at 2021-08-17 20:55:22(140 wks ago) (Bowie General / Starman Intro Guitar Chords video)

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The unusual Starman intro guitar chords that David played on his 12 string acoustic are still a bit of an unresolved mystery as to what notes he actually played. The rest of the song is quite straightforward. Does anybody have video of him playing the song back in the 70s which shows his left hand (fretting hand)on the guitar neck during those intro chords?If so could they please upload it/post a link to it? Thanks

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abogner90Posted at 2021-08-31 02:56:56(138 wks ago) (Bowie General / Starman Intro Guitar Chords video)

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hi cj88 -
i believe it's a Bb/A to Fmaj7

Last edited by abogner90 on 2021-08-31 11:37:11

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