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Bowie General > New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974

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hanoirocksPosted at 2025-01-16 11:07:31(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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Very interesting article in Daily Telegraph (UK) today.
Anyone know anything about this?

"The first tape opened with the unmistakable voice of David Bowie singing Bruce Springsteen’s It’s Hard To Be a Saint in The City, with Carlos Alomar playing something very close to the Fame riff on guitar. As the band went through several takes, Ochester could hear how Alomar had reworked and improved the riff that he had devised on Foot Stompin’. Ochester called Levinson again and said, ‘I have Bowie singing the Springsteen song It’s Hard to Be a Saint.’ Levinson said, ‘Yeah, Bowie recorded that song a few times. Ryko put one on the Sound and Vision box set.’

Ochester said, ‘Yeah, but he’s singing it over Fame. Have you heard that before?’

Levinson said, ‘Hold on, wait a second. What?’

At Rykodisc, Levinson had listened to all the known Bowie versions of the song, and none of them was sung over the Fame riff."



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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2025-01-16 11:43:57(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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" it was particularly interesting to hear Fame evolving in Philadelphia,
five months before the famous 1975 recording session in New York with John Lennon and Carlos Alomar that supposedly birthed the song."

there's way more


Last edited by professormouse on 2025-01-16 11:44:29

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bowiebingoPosted at 2025-01-16 13:40:14(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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Link from Illustrated DB Forums: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3Boi2TGUI0

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BesomdaveDonatedPosted at 2025-01-16 13:46:40(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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deleted post - bowiebingo beat me to it (see post above)

Last edited by Besomdave on 2025-01-16 13:48:57

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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2025-01-17 05:52:33(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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aaah = kickstarter

it sounds like
like...that early live with motorhead show
that there's LOTS of potential New Bowie Product
and some involved don't wanna wait

the whole 'lecture' is on this site = somewhere
in glorious mp3 !


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SteveboyDonatedPosted at 2025-01-17 06:33:15(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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All that stuff is out there what do we get.......a half speed re-master..........

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ayresPosted at 2025-01-17 15:36:22(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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The guy is trying to raise money to make a documentary in which he will simply not play any of the content, even though the 50-year copyright has expired, and give it to a museum or something.
makes me laugh...
at the same time he has already sent the files to Alomar, Visconti, Leah Kardos and a ton of other Philadelphia fans

Last edited by ayres on 2025-01-17 15:37:15

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gousterPosted at 2025-01-17 17:47:01(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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ayres wrote:

The guy is trying to raise money to make a documentary in which he will simply not play any of the content, even though the 50-year copyright has expired, and give it to a museum or something.makes me laugh...at the same time he has already sent the files to Alomar, Visconti, Leah Kardos and a ton of other Philadelphia fans

He hasn't sent the "files" to anyone. He reached out to people to try and determine what could be done with the tapes. The only thing he sent out was a more detailed list of what was on each tape.

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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2025-01-18 04:19:43(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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the Atomic films bumf says
there's "alternate audio"

but they don't have it
their trying to force it's release

this is saying - the recent Sigma leak = there's lots more
way more
a n d
if the Estate buys it = it will go on that shelf that Jeff Rougvie spoke about
the people at Decca had access to it too
but db himself said NO to Bunny Drugs
or the song at least

in the meantime - how are you liking your half-speed master ?

Last edited by professormouse on 2025-01-18 04:21:38

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neilwilkesPosted at 2025-01-18 14:27:09(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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Don't get me started on the whole half speed remaster BS (Which in itself is fascinating, because they are half speeding the original version, and not the Ray Staff Era Set remasters (which are IMO utter shite) when what we should be getting is a comprehensive Box Set & Blu-=Ray Audio release of everything leading up to YA release - and think how much better the album could have been!

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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2025-01-18 16:55:31(4 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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the first 'batch' of Sigma out-takes is on sale on amazon from 'Sonic Boom'
on CD

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myehPosted at 2025-01-26 17:28:52(3 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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the full sotry here...


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ayresPosted at 2025-01-26 20:03:57(3 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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Unfortunately, this reel will be forgotten.

The owners made a big deal out of it and didn't make available a single snippet of any song.

The owner's dream is to raise money to make a documentary and deliver it to a museum.

Unlike the reel with Lazer, whose audio has been in the hands of collectors since 2009 and was made available in 2022, this one will be in a museum.

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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2025-01-27 13:17:15(2 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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That you shutting the doors on the party Ayres ?
You don't know for certain.
The guys in the video are saying,
"We could'a, but we didn't".

"A New Bowie Album"
lights up the interweb
And this one will have interest -sales- from Springsteen 'n' Luther fans too.
That's why everyone's been hopping about.
It seems just too juicy for that.

And for extra - we're not fucking lying-ness, they link it to all the other known.
But as yet - UN-released Sigma material.

"Who sung the first US Number One Single by a black and a white artist ?"

WHY the Sigma building isn't a museum of some sort amazes me.
There's far too much of a musical/black history thing going on - about David Bowie/Philadelphia.
For it all to gather dust.
When they could be making Elvis sized cash out of it.
I'd go.


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Stranger09DonatedPosted at 2025-01-27 14:37:35(2 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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While the idea of a museum is nice, these things require staff, safety procedures in place and security personnel, lighting and heating, advertising and innovation to keep customers coming in ...

All could explain why they haven't just opened the doors and watched the money roll in, so to speak.

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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2025-01-29 01:06:27(2 wks ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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Dr. Phlox was one of the best things about Star Trek: Enterprise.

There hasn't been a delux and delightful version of YA with all the known tracks & mixes.
Never mind any newley discovered out-takes.
There is/was a brief party of hope going on was all.
Some seem to still be throwing out the party streamers.
Hoping that Bowie HQ catches a few & realises now would be a gr8 time to cash-in.
Why wait ?

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oumzozoPosted at 2025-02-05 21:35:26(1 wk ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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I was hoping for a Sigma sessions part 2 (didn't expect that the Bruce Springsteen cover was built around the "Fame" main guitar-lick which is I think a jam between Carlos Alomar and Bowie; John Lennon would have come later).  The official version of Bruce Springsteen's cover does not sound like that.

There is still some audio snippets from the reels with the early John I'm Only Dancing Again.
Fortunately we got in its entirety some gems such as the complete take 1 with a kind of bossa nova feeling and the complete melancholic song "Shining The Rubes".
And the line "... I read the news today Oh Boy!" was already there, Bowie did not include de A Day In The Life reference before John Lennon came in the studio to say hello.
So I really wonder combining all interviews I have read how "Fame" turned out into a song in itself; perhaps John would have helped with the lyrics (the backward piano effect would be Lennon) with his typical trademark lousy acoustic rhythm guitar he also played on Across The Universe and Stand By Me.
Perhaps they just started jamming around "Foot Stomping" (I wonder by the way if there is a confusion between B.Springsteen cover and Foot Stomping which was performed on TV - but I really hope that the early cover of Springsteen would also included the Fame riff)

and during these sessions I think that Bowie kept one guitar-lick/part of a song which we can hear for a later album on "Low".

And both Ava Cherry acetate of "Sweet Thing" (and the B sides) are fantastic. I have always thought that "Zion" (which we can hear a small snippet on live by Mike Garson during the latest Ziggy shows) was a part of the "Sweet Thing" suite on Diamond Dogs album - of course "Zion" in itself is a complete song.

Since the late 90's there are screen copies of these reels on the Internet, so I wonder why when they release "The Gouster" and advertised that this was the "as intended" album; etc... why we didn't get the Sigma sessions which surfaced partially on bootlegs.

and when they release Y.Americans 5.1 we already got a longer cut of Across The Universe where we can hear John on acoustic guitar saying "Let me just drop in!..."

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professormouseDonatedPosted at 2025-02-06 01:24:39(1 wk ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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if it is
i wanna hear it
what that doc says
i know
no one's in a hurry to release any of this

"I was an hour late."
"I added an 'f'."

did happen is on tape

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averybowieDonatedPosted at 2025-02-06 14:07:12(1 wk ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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Steveboy wrote:

All that stuff is out there what do we get.......a half speed re-master..........

Yep. :-(  :-(

Last edited by averybowie on 2025-02-06 14:12:04

There's no room for anger, we're all very small
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oumzozoPosted at 2025-02-06 22:01:02(1 wk ago) (Bowie General / New recording - Sigma Sound Studios in 1974)

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so no audio snippets have leaked so far ?
It's really frustrating to hear some background music which has nothing to do with David Bowie- and apparently these are not only Y.Americans sessions but also Station To Station (an early version of "Wind";)
And the audio snippet of "Right" with Bowie's with chorists comes from the "Cracked Actor" documentary.
And this could be Luther Vandross only without David Bowie; we know Luther's version of "Fascination"; could there be a confusion or is another title from Y.Americans sung by Luther ?

I still have those audio snippets of "John I'm Only Dancing (again)" and these batch of songs - we need a Sigma reels part 2.

And the story about "Footstomping"; the TV appearance is on the DVD official Young Americans with the 5.1 mix and Across The Universe slightly extended.
We all knew that Footstomping was a combination with "Shame, Shame, Shame" and turned out into "Fame". I'm pretty sure that the main guitar-lick of Fame is by Carlos Alomar.

professor : you could use the 5.1 mix of Young Americans for your remix - especially now with the A.I tools "assistance" you could extract more instruments before re-injecting into a new mix (whereas at that time it was exciting enough to isolate rear, or front, or center channels)

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