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Request for upload/Reseed/ISO > Eurythmics - Live By Request

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Simone8147Posted at 2015-09-07 23:08:15(489 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Eurythmics - Live By Request)

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Location: Germany

Also looking desperately for a video of Eurythmics Live By Request from 2000.

I had it on DVD before, but can't find it anymore....it's interesting as David Bowie calls in and has a funny chat with Annie before requesting "There Must Be An Angel".

Thanks :)


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toneblokePosted at 2015-09-08 03:22:33(489 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Eurythmics - Live By Request)
Remember me !

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Hmmm. Maybe some sharing is caring.

"Look up here, I’m in heaven
I’ve got scars that can’t be seen"
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Simone8147Posted at 2015-09-08 20:26:08(489 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Eurythmics - Live By Request)

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Actually I'm seeding everything I got, whenever I'm online. But it's very rare that someone is actually downloading something from it.

If you mean sharing something else, I have no idea how to actually create a torrent I'm afraid. I did try years ago when Saloca had her site up and running (Just Bowie Torrents) and I failed miserably. And I'm not really home often enough, to have my netbook running all the time.

Usually online on my phone. Sorry about that

Last edited by Simone8147 on 2015-09-08 20:30:36

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Simone8147Posted at 2015-09-08 20:46:53(489 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Eurythmics - Live By Request)

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Hm, maybe I'm doing something wrong? I just checked with a video I got, if it says that I'm seeding ir or not, and it says "no". Even though someone else apparentliy is seeding it.

I thought that happens automatically, or do I need to activate something for seeding? Sorry, no clue

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MBFPosted at 2015-09-09 12:48:57(489 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Eurythmics - Live By Request)

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Simone8147 wrote:

I thought that happens automatically, or do I need to activate something for seeding? Sorry, no clue

I'm no expert but I suspect that you may have joined the seeding too late. That also happens to me sometimes.

Basically, if you join at the beginning of a torrent you will seed more than if you join late. Late could mean by a day or two.

Looking at what you are currently seeding I would say that no-one is wanting the torrents that you show as being seeded. The one that does have a leecher doesn't necessarily mean that the leecher is (a) connected to you or (b) is actually leeching. Therefore, it doesn't matter how long you seed, if no-one wants the torrent, you won't be able to share anything. Also, by seeding DVD's rather than smaller audio torrents it will take far longer to build up a decent share ratio.

Others on this site are more technically competent than I am and so could give you some better feedback but that's what I suspect has happened.

Last edited by MBF on 2015-09-09 12:54:15

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Simone8147Posted at 2015-09-09 14:57:16(489 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Eurythmics - Live By Request)

Uploaded: 5.62 GB
Downloaded: 408.44 GB
Posts: 11

Ratio: 0.01
Location: Germany

yeah, that makes sense. With not being online that often as mentioned I'm also usually quite late to a torrent. And am indeed mainly intersted in videos atm.

Oh well, at least I'm seeding right now at least, as obviously I was right on the case with A Virtual Ticket :-)

And will try to get the newest audio additons too whenever I'm online, just for the sake of seeding...

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