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Request for upload/Reseed/ISO > Montreal 14/6/74 Ottowa 15/6/74

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MichaelPosted at 2015-11-15 12:22:26(481 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Montreal 14/6/74 Ottowa 15/6/74)

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Hello everyone. Does anyone have these gigs to upload. I used to have the one from Ottowa on my old PC before the hard drive went kaput. Also is there any more gigs from the 74 period as there doesn't seem to be a lot from that period  :)

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steve23yhPosted at 2015-11-15 12:51:22(481 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Montreal 14/6/74 Ottowa 15/6/74)

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Ottawa's a fake, I'm afraid.  It's really Boston 16th July

Don't blame me, I didn't do it!
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MichaelPosted at 2015-11-15 13:19:56(481 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Montreal 14/6/74 Ottowa 15/6/74)

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Do you know if there is audio for the Montreal gig ? I know there is some video footage but am unsure whether the audio is from that or has been added from somewhere else

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steve23yhPosted at 2015-11-16 15:20:00(481 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Montreal 14/6/74 Ottowa 15/6/74)

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Never heard of any, I'm afraid.   :(

Don't blame me, I didn't do it!
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Jean-HenriPosted at 2015-11-26 16:13:25(480 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Montreal 14/6/74 Ottowa 15/6/74)

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'Ottawa 1974' is sourced from the Subway (Boston July 16th 1974) vinyl bootleg.

Life on Earth?
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stonetomb1Posted at 2015-11-27 08:30:02(479 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Montreal 14/6/74 Ottowa 15/6/74)

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is it possible to post subway :)

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steve23yhPosted at 2015-11-27 09:01:07(479 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Montreal 14/6/74 Ottowa 15/6/74)

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Don't think that's right JeanHenri.  I think it's from the Joe Maloney tape.  Subway's a lot older (I used to have a copy in the early eighties) and a notch or two lower quality.

Don't blame me, I didn't do it!
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JanErikPosted at 2015-11-27 15:01:13(479 wks ago) (Request for upload/Reseed/ISO / Montreal 14/6/74 Ottowa 15/6/74)

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stonetomb1 wrote:

is it possible to post subway :)

Yes, it is uploaded now :)

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