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Site Support > Audio and Video streaming are temporarily offline (RESOLVED)

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JanErikPosted at 2016-09-03 03:04:39(439 wks ago) (Site Support / Audio and Video streaming are temporarily offline (RESOLVED))

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It takes a lot of time to load a torrent details page if it does not time out.
Other parts of the website looks fine. If there are other things that do not work properly, please report.

I'm looking into the problem, but I haven't found the reason yet.
The server has been rebooted twice and the latest updates installed and that did not resolve the issue.

It is late at night, so there will probably not be a solution tonight.

In the meantime, you can still download the torrent files from the download icon to the left of the titles in the listings.

Jan Erik

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JanErikPosted at 2016-09-03 04:03:12(439 wks ago) (Site Support / Audio and Video streaming are temporarily offline (RESOLVED))

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Location: Norway

Found out after some digging that the problem was with the premium streaming services and did only affect those who have donated to the site.

The audio (Flac & MP3) streaming are now taken offline. The same goes with the video streaming.

Need some sleep now, but will do my best tomorrow to get the audio and video streaming back online.

Jan Erik

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paperdragonPosted at 2016-09-03 07:13:22(439 wks ago) (Site Support / Audio and Video streaming are temporarily offline (RESOLVED))
Fomer Admin RIP

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Found out after some digging that the problem was with the premium streaming services and did only affect those who have donated to the site.

Which was an aberration and should not be taken as a reason not to donate.

...and then my mind split open.
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JanErikPosted at 2016-09-03 18:04:01(439 wks ago) (Site Support / Audio and Video streaming are temporarily offline (RESOLVED))

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Location: Norway

The problem went away by itself, and the streaming of Audio and Video is now turned back on.
It was caused by a network problem somewhere on the Internet making our servers unable to talk to each other.

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